Brother Printer Check in Labels print as one long continuous label

This article explains how to fix an issue where Brother printer check in labels are printing as one long continuous label. This might occur after successfully printing one label, while the next label prints as that long label. The root cause of the issue is that your iOS device needs to update to the most recent version of OS that is available. Most find that iOS 16 is the culprit. 

How to Fix This

  1. Check to see if your device has any updates. If so, update your device.
  2. If there are no updates available, check to see if your device is too old to receive additional iOS updates.
  3. Once your device has been updated, turn your printer off and back on.
  4. Open the Breeze check in app again and try to print labels again.

In conclusion, the problem occurs due to an issue with a new formatting issue found in the early releases of iOS 16's Airprint functionality. The most recent updates of iOS have fixed this.