Fellowship One - Export Instructions

We'd love to help your transition from Fellowship One into Breeze go as smoothly as possible. If you get stuck along the way, have any questions, or would prefer to have us import your data (at no additional cost), don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Exporting Data from Fellowship One

Exporting People

  1. Sign in to Fellowship One.
  2. Go to Reports (far right on menu bar).
  3. Search for P9400 (Core People Records Export v3.2) in top black bar search box.
  4. Enter in the following criteria:
    1. Return People in these Groups (who):
      • Based on their Role/Type -> Don't Limit People Base on Group Membership
      • These Spans of Care -> Ignore This
      • These Group Types -> Ignore This
      • These Campuses -> Ignore This
      • These Groups -> Ignore This
    2. Group Membership Instructions: -> Return People in ANY Selected Group
    3. And Joined within this Time Period -> Ignore This
    4. Choose Fields to Display (what):
      1. Display these Household Fields:
        • Household ID
        • Home Phone
      2. Display these Individual Fields:
        • Select All fields except Photo. We cannot import photos.
    5. Output Separate Email Columns: Yes
    6. Output Separate Phone Columns: Yes
    7. Display this 1st Address -> Primary
    8. Display this 2nd Address -> Ignore This
    9. Display these Fields for each Address:
      • Street Address
      • City
      • State
      • Postal Code (Full)
    10. If displaying Full Address, Format it using 1 Line.
    11. Configure Output (what):
      • Display these Metrics for each row -> Ignore This
      • Page/Sheet Break on -> Ignore This
      • Create labels/Temporary Groups using: I am NOT outputting to labels or Groups
      • Choose an Output Type: -> Excel
    12. Click additional filters.
    13. Return based on Status/SubStatus (who):
      • Having these Status Group::Statuses: Select All including Deceased.
    14. Display Field Formatting (what):
      • Display Individual First Name in this Format: Johnathan "John" Edward
  5. Run Report
  6. Click on the Queue link (top black bar) and when your report is ready, download it to your computer.

Exporting Contributions

  1. Sign in to Fellowship One.
  2. Go to Reports (far right on menu bar).
  3. Search for G1050 (Core Giving Records v 3.0).
  4. Set the following criteria for Return Giving Records (who):
    1. Based on this date -> Received Date
    2. Week starts on -> Sunday
    3. Occurring within this Date Range -> Custom Date Range
    4. Occurring after this time: Ignore This (has to be done or report will error)
    5. Occurring before this time: Ignore This (has to be done or report will error)
    6. Belonging to Batches -> Ignore This (has to be done or report will error)
  5. Set the following criteria for choosing fields and configuring the output:
    1. Page/Sheet ... -> Ignore This
    2. Subgroup with Subtotal on -> Ignore This
    3. Multi Select Box -> Gift Columns to Display:
      • All Trans by ID
      • ACH, Check, Cash, BankCard
      • Batch Date
      • Batch Name
      • Contribution or Receipt
      • Contribution Attributes
      • Contribution Subtype
      • Create Date
      • Fund
      • Fund account Reference description
      • Memo
      • Received Date
      • Reference (check number)
      • Sub Fund
    4. Multi select box -> Contributor Columns to Display:
      • Contributor ID
      • Contributor Full Name
      • Contributor Last Name
      • Giving Unit ID
      • Giving Unit Full Name
      • Giving Unit Last Name
      • Household, Individual or Organization (needed to get the correct name)
      • Mem/Envelope #
    5. Multi select box -> Primary Address columns to Display
      • Ignore
    6. Multi select box -> Grand Total Columns to Display
      • Ignore
  6. Display total amount -> Yes
  7. Sort Records by Received Date & Time
  8. Output to labels -> No
  9. Choose an Output Type: -> Excel
  10. Run Report
  11. Click on the Queue link (top black bar) and when your report is ready, download it to your computer.

Exporting Attributes

  1. Go to Reports (far right on menu bar).
  2. Search for A2501E (top black bar search box).
  3. Select Export Attributes.
  4. Enter in the following criteria:
    1. Attribute: select an option.
    2. Choose an Output Type: CSV
    3. Click the Run Report button.
  5. Repeat step "4" until you have all the Attribute options you want imported.

Importing Data into Breeze

  1. Sign in to your Breeze Account.
  2. Click the More tab in the top right.
  3. Click Tasks from the dropdown.
  4. Click the category on the left that you'd like to import (e.g. People, Giving, Tags, etc).
  5. Download and open the template file.
  6. Delete the sample data and populate the template file by copy/pasting applicable columns from your Fellowship One exported file(s). Be sure to keep the first row of the template file intact.
  7. Save file as a .CSV file type.
  8. When finished, use the same screen to Upload your file to complete the import.
For more details on importing data into Breeze, see our documentation on importing.