We'd love to help your transition from Revelations CHMS into Breeze go as smoothly as possible. If you get stuck along the way, have any questions, or would prefer to have us import your data (at no additional cost), don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Exporting Data from Revelations
Notes on Revelations Export:
The people export for Revelations can be tedious and difficult to follow. Here are some important things to know:
- You have a limited number of characters to use per line. The total width cannot go over 128 characters.
- You will have to export the data in multiple files (reports); typically between 25 and 35 reports total.
- Always have the Individual ID (id_member) and Household ID (id_household) as the first two fields. This will allow us to match up the files.
- id_member and id_household can safely be changed to 4 characters in width instead of the default 10.
- The Available Tables menu changes what is listed in the Fields for Table Selected menu.
- Phone number and Date fields should be 15 characters. Revelations will often default to a lower number than this. Phone numbers with extensions should be 20.
- Spaces Left under Report Options is an important reference to know how many characters you have left. This should never go below 0. Start a new report if the next field will bring this number below 0.
Exporting People
- Navigate to Reports in the top menu bar and select Custom Reports. Click Add New.
- Title the report "Breeze People 1".
- Name the report "Breeze People 1" (Name and Title should match for ease of use).
- First, select the Type of Report as Member Report. A popup will ask if you want to change the Primary Table — choose Yes.
- From the Available Tables menu choose family_members.
- From the Fields for Table Selected menu scroll up and select id_member and click Add>>. This will populate the Column Options section which should be defaulted to Column #1. You never need to change what is in Table Assigned, Field Assigned, and Column Header; these are for reference only.
- Change the Column Width if you so choose. Click Set Column. (You will sometimes get a notification that the column width is too narrow for the Header. Just click Okay.) You will see id_m populate in your text preview.
- Repeat steps 5-7 but select id_household instead of id_member. You should now have id_m and id_h listed in your first two columns.
- From the Available Tables menu scroll up and select the top-most option first (most likely Household). It is best practice to eventually go through every table available in order to complete a full export from Revelations.
- From the Fields for Table Selected menu scroll up and select the top-most option. Click Add>>.
- Change the Column Width if you so choose. Click Set Column. (You will sometimes get a notification that the column width is too narrow for the Header. Just click Okay.)
- Repeat steps 9-11 until your Spaces Left field is at or close to 0. See above about the importance of Spaces Left.
- Click Save in the top left and close the window.
- You have now completed your first of many reports. Repeat all above steps increasing the Breeze People [Number] by one as you go. Steps 15 and 16 below are for exporting these many reports to Excel readable files.
- Select your report and click Print. A new window will come up asking for your Destination.
- Uncheck Screen and check File. While choosing your exact location save as a Comma Delimited File.
Exporting Households:
The same structure and limitations of the People reports apply to the Households report as well. Same way to create the report and same 128 character limit. You will still need to create multiple reports (likely around 8 or so). Navigate through all of the Available Tables and Fields for Table Selected the same way that you did the People reports. Remember that dates and phone numbers need larger column widths than the default.
Exporting Contributions:
- Navigate to Reports in the top menu bar and select Financial Reports.
Scroll down and find the Canned Journal Reprint. Select this.
- Change the beginning journal number to 1 and leave the end journal number as is.
- Click Print. A new window will come up asking for your Destination.
- Uncheck Screen and check File. While choosing your exact location save as Comma Delimited File. If unavailable, choose .txt.
Importing Data into Breeze
- Sign in to your Breeze account and click the Gear Icon (Account Settings button) in the top right corner.
- Select Bulk Tasks from the dropdown menu.
- Click the category on the left that you'd like to import (e.g. People, Giving, Tags, etc).
- Download and open the template file.
- Remove the sample data and populate the template file by copying and pasting the applicable columns from your Revelations ChMS exported file(s). Important: Keep the first row of the template file intact (this contains the column headers).
- Save the file as a .CSV file type.
- When finished, use the same screen to upload your file to complete the import.