Bulk Assigning or Unassigning Tags

Bulk Assign

To assign a tag or tags to a group of people:

  1. Pull up the list of people you'd like to assign to a Tag by running an advanced search.
  2. Click "Assign to Tags" on the right in the action panel.
  3. Select the tags you'd like those people assigned to.
  4. Click "Assign."2019-12-19_10-43-46__1_.gif

Bulk Unassign

To unassign a tag or tags to a group of people:

  1. Pull up the list of people you'd like to unassign from a Tag by running an advanced search.
  2. Click "Remove from Tags" on the right in the action panel.
  3. Deselect the tags you'd like those people removed from.
  4. Click "Remove."
