Add Breeze Online Giving Link to Tithely Church App

Breeze Tip

If you are an admin on the account and you would like for your Breeze online giving link to be added to the Giving tab of your Church App, please contact 

If you'd rather create a Give tab in your bottom nav, this article guides you through configuring the Give tab in your Custom Church App to link to a Breeze Online Giving page.

This process is specifically for adding Breeze Online Giving to a Custom Church App. Do not use this method for any other third-party giving links. An exception is made in the terms and conditions for Breeze Online Giving Processor to be allowed on Apps and Sites. By using any YGG service, you agree that YGG will be the exclusive provider of payment processing services for you, and you will utilize one or more of the YGG giving services, including placing the YGG website giving button on your website. For more details, refer to the Terms of Service.

Steps to Configure the Tithely Apps Dashboard for Breeze Giving

  1. Log into the Tithely Dashboard:

    Click on Apps icon

  2. Navigate to the Tithely Apps Dashboard:

    Click on Tabs

  3. Configure the Give Tab:

    • Click on the dropdown arrow in the Give tab.

    Click on dropdown arrow in Give tab

    Paste Breeze giving url, example: "" into Link (URL) field

  4. Adjust Menu Visibility:

    • Uncheck Hide In More Menu if you want the tab to be visible in the primary menu.

    Uncheck Hide In More Menu

  5. Save Your Changes:

    • Click on Save.

    Click on Save

  6. Arrange Tab Order:

    • Drag and drop the Give tab to your desired position in the menu.

    Drag highlighted to tab position of choice

  7. Finalize Changes:

    • Click Save again to confirm the tab's position.

    Click on Save

  8. Test your Give tab:
    • Once saved the changes will be published immediately, however, your Church App may still show the previous menu without the option. If this is the case, completely exit the Church App on your device and open it back up to see the changes.

If you are an admin on the account and you would like for your Breeze online giving link to be added to the Giving tab of your Church App, please contact