Offering an Opt-Out Option in the Account for the Online Directory

While there is not a built-in way for people to opt in or opt out of the Online Directory in Breeze. You can absolutely create a way for members who have access to Breeze to opt in or out of the online directory in your church's Breeze account! 

How to set up an opt-out of the Online Directory

  1. Create a multiple-choice profile field called "Opt into Online Directory" with the options of Yes and No. 
  2. Navigate to the "Account Settings"(Image_2020-05-07_at_1.31.50_PM.png) on the top right > Select Users and Roles > Roles > Member and update your Member Role with the permissions of My Profile > View > Opt into Online Directory AND My Profile > Edit > Opt into Online Directory.  
  3. Make sure you have taken the steps in Online Directory with Member Access to set up a tag for your online directory and given this member role access to this tag under permissions. (If you already have people in this tag, you will want to follow the steps in Update Multiple People at Once, update those in the Online Directory Tag to have the profile field "Opt into Online Directory" with the selection of Yes. 
  4. Then we are going to want to set up a Smart Tag. Using the search filter of "Opt into Online Directory" select Yes and then select "Online Directory" under the "Will automatically be assigned to this tag". You will want to make sure to check the box, "When this task runs, also remove people from this tag that do not match the selected filter". This will ensure if someone changes their mind, they are pulled out of the tag that allows other members to access them in the database. 
  5. When you Rollout Breeze to New Members who are not already accessing Breeze, they will now have access to their own profile, and others who have chosen to be part of the Online Directory. They will need to choose if they want to be included in the online directory by making their selection in the profile field "Opt into Online Directory" on their profile.