After getting a new credit card, you may need to update your payment method for online giving. To add a new payment method, either make a donation using a new payment method or click to change one of your recurring gifts and provide the new method there.
Steps to Update Your Payment Method While Giving
- Log into Breeze.
- Click the Give Now tab in the upper right.
- Enter the amount you'd like to give.
- Enter the new payment method information.
- Click Donate Now.
Update a Recurring Gift
- Log in to Breeze: Go to your church's Breeze website and log in to your account.
- Go to Recurring Gifts: Click on Give Now, then select Recurring Gifts from the menu on the left.
- Find your Gift: Locate the recurring gift you want to update.
- Edit:
- Click Change next to the recurring gift.
- To see all the options, click Show More Options.
- Click Change next to the specific section you'd like to modify (amount, frequency, etc.).
- Make your desired changes.
- Save: Make sure to click Save Changes to confirm your updates.
Delete an Old Card
- Click Payment Methods from the navigation on the left and click the "x" out to the right of the payment method you'd like to remove.
Don't have a login, or see Give Now?
If you do not have a login or see a Give Now tab, please contact your church or organization administration. They will be best to equip you in updating your payment method.