Using Fund Folders


  • Fund Folders are a great way to organize Funds for a multitude of reasons. This allows you to easily see a total for all of the individual Funds in a Folder. 

Potential Uses:

  • Missions - If you would like to know how much money has been contributed to Missions but you have a number of different Missions funds. Create a Folder and it will keep each Fund separate but give you the fund total.
  • Missions Trips - You can track the amount each person has toward their trip as well as the overall amount that has come in for the trip by creating a Missions Trip Folder
  • Multiple Locations - You can handle this one of 2 ways, either group all the General Fund giving from each campus together or group all the giving from each campus together in separate Folders.

To Create a Fund Folder follow these steps

  1. Navigate to "Giving > Funds."
  2. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the "Add Fund" button and select "Add Folder"
  3. Give the group a name and click "Add."
  4. You can now hover over the name of other Funds (or other Folders) and drag them into the newly-created Folder.2020-04-07_13-24-43__1_.gif


Additional Information:

All Fund Folders are listed alphabetically first by Folders and then funds not in folders listed alphabetically below. Funds within a folder are listed alphabetically within each Fund Folder as well.

If you have a list of Funds you are not currently using, consider archiving them to hide them from the list.

To remove a fund from within a folder:

  1. Click on the pencil icon to the far right of the fund name.
  2. Click on "More Options" and choose "None" for the folder field.
  3. Click "Update."