Download a free kit of graphics to help launch Breeze ChMS and Breeze Giving at your church. Includes customizable slides, printable materials, social media images, and more.
Get the Breeze Launch Kit
Included in the Free Launch Kit
We've provided everything you need to help communicate to your church about Breeze Giving and other ChMS. Every template is fully customizable so you can change it and make it your own. We even include space to add a QR code to direct people to your church website.
Customizable PSD files included.
Worship Slides
Communicate about your giving options and more with pre/post-worship slides.
Social Media Graphics
Available in different sizes for every platform.
Printable Posters
8.5x11 and 16x20 signage you can print and hang in your foyer, restrooms, etc.
Printable Rack Cards
Promote your giving options or your pledge campaign with printable rack cards.
Giving Envelope Template
Printable and customizable giving envelopes.
Welcome Video
Play this unbranded welcome video before Sunday service to inform people on how to give to your church.