Explore how to add new campaigns and customize default settings for seamless pledge management. Learn to set default start/end dates and funds for efficient pledge creation. Access advanced troubleshooting tips for smooth campaign operation.
Campaigns help organize pledges by grouping them by either purpose or timeframe. While pledges can have custom settings, default options can be set at the campaign level to determine the default time frame and funds for which giving transactions should be included.
Add Campaign
To add a new campaign:
- Navigate to Giving > Pledges
- Click Add Campaign in the upper right
- Enter a Campaign Name
- Set the Default Start/End Date and Default Fund
(These default options will make adding pledges to the campaign easier later on, as they determine the pre-set selections for date range and fund, which determine which giving transactions should count toward an individual's pledge.) - Click Add Campaign at the bottom right
View Campaigns
To view campaigns:
- Navigate to Giving > Pledges
- This list of campaigns can be sorted by clicking the column headers
(The default setting will sort by the most recently created campaign.)
Advanced Troubleshooting
- Editing the Default Options of a campaign, after pledges have already been added, does not reset the pledge settings to match (it will not bulk-update current pledges with the default date and fund selections).
- Editing the Default Options of a campaign, after pledges have already been added, will only apply the default date and fund selections when adding new pledges to the campaign.