Occasionally, individuals may donate to a "Pledge" fund without formally communicating their intended pledge amount. In such cases, churches may wish to generate reports identifying those who have contributed to the fund but haven't established an official pledge. Alternatively, it may be useful to search the database to identify individuals who haven't pledged to a particular campaign at all.
Find Those Who Are Giving to Pledge Fund but Did Not Pledge
First, we will need to Add a Tag.
- Go to Tags > Click "Add Tag" Button > Name Your Tag > Click "Add"
Find and Tag all the pledgers of a particular campaign
- Go to Giving > Pledges > Select the Campaign > Click on the link that shows the number of people pledged (just above the words "Starts on On" in the first column.
- Assign those people to the tag you created by Clicking the More Actions in the Action Panel > Assign to the Tag you created.
Find the Family of those the Pledge was assigned to (Only do this if you count family giving towards the pledge)
- Search People by navigating to People
- Click "Show more filter options" on the left-hand side
- Scroll Down to "Tags" > Select the Tag you just created
- Just above where you chose the tag, you'll see the "Other" search are with an option of "Search Type". Click that dropdown and change it from "Person" to "Family". Now you'll get a list of the entire family of those pledgers.
- Assign this result list of people to the tag you created by Clicking the More Actions in the Action Panel > Assign to the Tag you created.
Find those who are giving to the specific fund but have not pledged
- Navigate to Giving > Reports
- Set your filters
- Select your date range
- Select the relevant fund
- Click on the "More" Filter and choose People
- Click on the People filter > Click Set Filter > Scroll Down to Tags > Click the disclosure triangle for "Does Not Contain" > Select the appropriate tag > Click Apply Filter.
Now you have a report of people who have given to the pledge fund without actually setting up a pledge.
Find Everyone In the Database Who Did Not Pledge
First, we will need to Add a Tag.
- Go to Tags > Click "Add Tag" Button > Name Your Tag > Click "Add"
Find and Tag all the pledgers of a particular campaign
- Go to Giving > Pledges > Select the Campaign > Click on the link that shows the number of people pledged (just above the words "Starts on On" in the first column.
- Assign those people to the tag you created by Clicking the More Actions in the Action Panel > Assign to the Tag you created.
Find the Family of those the Pledge was assigned to (Only do this if you count family giving towards the pledge)
- Search People by navigating to People
- Click "Show more filter options" on the left-hand side
- Scroll Down to "Tags" > Select the Tag you just created
- Just above where you chose the tag, you'll see the "Other" search are with an option of "Search Type". Click that dropdown and change it from "Person" to "Family". Now you'll get a list of the entire family of those pledgers.
- Assign this result list of people to the tag you created by Clicking the More Actions in the Action Panel > Assign to the Tag you created.
Search People using reverse logic.
- Search People by navigating to People
- Click "Show more filter options" on the left-hand side
- Scroll Down to "Tags" >"Does Not Contain" > Select the appropriate tag
Now you have a report of people in your database that have not set up a pledge.