This article explains the methods for adding songs to your Song Library in Breeze ChMS, including both manual additions, using the integration through SongSelect® by CCLI and bulk uploading a song library from a spreadsheet.
- An active Breeze account
- If using SongSelect, ensure that it is already integrated with your Breeze account.
Need to setup the extension? See Integrating SongSelect® with Breeze
Adding a Song from SongSelect®
- From the Breeze dashboard, select Settings (gear icon at the top right).
- Select Song Library.
- Click the +Add Song button.
Search for Your Song by typing the song's name, the author's name, or the CCLI number into the search bar. As you type, results from SongSelect will populate for you to review.
- Find the song you wish to add from the search results. Upon selection, verify the song's details, such as title, author, and CCLI number.
If you can’t find your song, you have the option to add it manually by clicking the Add Manually button. - To pull in chord charts and other music sheets, ensure that you enter the Key you would like to perform the song in. Then check the boxes at the bottom of the Add Song modal to import attachments. If you do not have a paid SongSelect CCLI account, some sheets may not be available to you.
- Click the Add Song button to add the song to your library.
Adding a Song Manually
- When logged into Breeze, select Settings (gear icon at the top right).
- Select Song Library.
- Click the +Add Song button.
- Select +Add Manually
- Enter your song details
- Song Name
- Author(s)
- Version Name
- Key
- Optional: Themes
Optional: Instruments
- Click the Add Song button to add the song to your library.
If you'd like to add attachments to the song you've manually added, you can do so by first adding the song. Then, search for the song in your song list, and click the song name to open the song details. Click +Add Music Sheet to upload Lyrics, Lead Sheets, Chord Sheets, and Vocal Arrangements. You can also add Audio Files and links in this area.
Adding Songs in Bulk
When adding songs in bulk, you can choose from either a General Upload File or from a Planning Center Export.
General Files:
- Use the Bulk Upload button to import songs from a template.
- Download and fill out the template, then upload via the import modal.
- The only file type supported for this upload method is .xlsx and can be no larger than 10MB.
From Planning Center:
- Export songs from Planning Center and upload via the Bulk Upload button.
- The only file type supported for this upload method is .csv and can be no larger than 10MB.
- Export songs from Planning Center and upload via the Bulk Upload button.
Things to Know:
- Music sheets will not be imported from SongSelect upon bulk import. This is because of the way that SongSelect counts usage credits per download. To tie music sheets to an existing song, we recommend creating a new arrangement and then downloading chord chart based on the selected key.
- It’s recommended that before importing, check to make sure that each arrangement only has one key per arrangement.
- Our general import template will only allow you to import four arrangements at one time. Beyond four arrangements, we recommend creating these after song import.
- When adding in song tags and themes to your import file, be sure to separate each tag or theme with a comma.
Understanding Fields on the File
You are able to delete Rows from the template, but you cannot remove any of the columns. All Column Headers must remain in place in order to be imported back into Breeze. If you leave a cell blank, no information will be uploaded to that part of the song.
Field | Options | Examples |
Name | String | Amazing Grace |
Authors | String | John Newton |
CCLI | Numerical Value | 4755360 |
Notes | String | Example Note |
Song Tags | String | Christmas, Upbeat, Hymn |
Last Scheduled Date | Date | 12/31/2024 |
Version 1 Name | String | Default Arrangement |
Version 1 Key | Key | A,B,C,D,E |
Version 1 Themes | String | Peace, Humility, Love |
Version 1 Song Tags | String | Revised Hymn |
Version 1 Instruments | String | Guitar, Drums, Vocals |
Version 1 Urls | Link | |
Version 1 Notes | String | Female Key |