How to Delete a Song or a Version of a Song in Breeze

This article will guide you through the steps to remove a song or just a specific version of a song from your Breeze Song Library. This is helpful for keeping your song database up-to-date and organized.

Caution: Before deleting a song or version, please note that this action is irreversible. If a song or version is used in upcoming services or plans, it will be removed from those as well.

Delete a Song from Your Song Library

  1. From your Breeze Dashboard, select Settings at the top right (gear icon).
  2. Select Song Library.
  3. Locate the song you'd like to delete from your Song Library. To the far right of the song, click the trash can icon
  4. A confirmation message will appear. If you're sure you'd like to delete the song, click Yes, delete. 
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Delete a Version of a Song from Your Song Library

  1. From your Breeze Dashboard, select Settings at the top right (gear icon).
  2. Select Song Library.
  3. Locate the Song that has the Version you'd like to delete. Click the song title to open its details and versions.
  4. Select the Version of the song you'd like to delete. Once selected, you'll see the option to Delete Version on the right.