Exporting Your Data

Users can export People, Tags, Events, Contributions, and Notes into Excel files. For churches that like to retain a local backup of their key data on their own computer(s) or switch to an alternate system (not that we'd want you to), this can be a helpful way to export your data. To export:


Breeze Tip

If you are interested in exporting attendance data you will want to check out this article: Creating Attendance Reports

  1. Navigate to the  "Account Settings" (Image_2020-05-07_at_1.31.50_PM.png) on the top right
  2. Choose "Manage Account"
  3. Select "View More" (on the left)
  4. Choose "Export"
  5. Select the type of data you'd like to export from the drop-down (People, Tags, Events, Contributions, Notes)
  6. Click "Export"

Note: If your export is timing out (taking more than a couple of minutes to populate a download), it's probably related to the large amount of giving data in the database. Try navigating to Giving and exporting 1 year at a time as a workaround.

