Manage Account Settings

To manage your account settings

  1. Navigating to Account Settings(Image_2020-05-07_at_1.31.50_PM.png) on the top right.
  2. Select Manage Account in the Mega Menu.
  3. Make your desired changes and click Save Changes.
Role Permissions needed to update General Settings (Manage Account > General Settings)

Manage Account Fields


  1. Church Name
    • This will be displayed throughout Breeze on directories and mail merge where [Church Name] appears. 
  2. Subdomain
    • When you (or your church administrator) signed up for Breeze, you entered a "subdomain."  This is the web address the users of your account will use to access Breeze.  For instance, they would access Breeze at In this example, calvary is the subdomain for the Breeze account, while is the full web address.

    • To log in to your Breeze account, enter your web address which will take you to your personal landing page where you can sign in using your username and password.

    • For more information on the areas this impacts, see the section below on changing your subdomain.  
  3. Location
    • Country
      This determines formatting preferences within your Breeze account. Primarily it affects the calendar. For a full list of areas affected by the selected country please see- Using Breeze Internationally
    • State (If country is the United States)
      Breeze works to comply with state and local laws. Some states charge sales tax on products like Breeze. If you are located within the United States a valid state selection is required. If you are located in a state where sales tax is applicable you will see a Tax Exemptoption.

      1 Breeze assumes your organization is Tax Exempt. This can be modified within your General Settings.

    • City (If country is the United States)
      Breeze works to comply with state and local laws. Some cities charge income/sales tax in addition to the state on products like Breeze. If you are located in a city where sales tax is applicable you will see the Tax Exempt option below.
    • Postal Code (If country is the United States)
  4. Office Phone
    • The Office Phone number allows the team at Breeze to know what number to contact your organization at, should we ever need to talk to someone on the phone! We promise we wont spam you! Calls could be about online giving, or member users who have reached out to Breeze.  
  5. Time Zone
    • This selection affects event times and when scheduled text or emails are delivered. When selecting options such as "Send Tomorrow at 9 am" that will be based upon your selected timezone.
    • Changing the time zone will not affect the time of the events in the event section. 
  6. Enable Unlimited Texts
    • Breeze allows users to text one or more people at a time for quick communication. The texting tool is meant for one-way communication and cannot receive replies. Churches can send 250 text messages per month at no additional charge. While we do pay for each text (and so need to have boundaries at some point), you're welcome to enable unlimited texting to exceed the 250 monthly limit. It's just one penny per text after the first 250. 

    • For more information on Texting People within Breeze, view this article

  7. Login Page Logo
    • The logo attached here will display at the top of your URL login page. This is helpful for your users as it visually confirms they are in the right location. This also appears in your volunteer reminders in the header image.

    • Supported image formats: jpeg, png, gif, tiff and bmp. 

    • The suggested pixel size is 300 x 100. Breeze will automatically resize the image, keeping the proportions the same.

  8. Save Changes 
    • Make sure that as you finish updating the information you click the blue Save Changes 

Tax Exempt

Breeze works to comply with state and local laws. Some states charge sales tax on products like Breeze unless the organization is tax exempt. If your church/organization is in a state where sales tax is required you will see a prompt for a Tax Exemption Certificate.


Once the certificate is uploaded and saved your display will appear as below.


Not Tax exempt? "Uncheck" the Tax Exempt checkbox and click "Save Changes". By setting your account to not tax exempt, we'll automatically charge sales tax on your monthly invoice. 

Changing your Breeze Subdomain

When you change your subdomain in Breeze you will see a warning communicating all of the impacts this will have on your database, you must accept by hitting continue. 

Due to the changing of the subdomain (and thus the web address) for your account, this will change where users connect to Breeze. It will require you to update any links you may have created on your website as well as any third party platforms (if any) that connect to your Breeze account.

These include:

  • Where all users log in (on both the web and the app)
  • The links and embed codes used to access forms
  • The link and embed code used to access online giving
  • The code used for embedded calendars
  • Some automated third party giving integrations
  • Any API integrations


1 If another account had the Subdomain that you would like, you will not be able to change it. We recommend the new web address is simple and easy to remember. 2 After pressing “Save Changes” you will receive a pop-up window that will warn you of what this change will affect in your account. If you would like to proceed with the change, press “Continue.”