Creating Attendance Reports

Master the creation of attendance reports in Breeze ChMS with this comprehensive guide. Learn how to generate detailed reports to analyze attendance trends, track member engagement, and evaluate event effectiveness. Whether you're monitoring weekly services, special events, or small group gatherings, this article provides step-by-step instructions for customizing and exporting attendance reports to meet your church's specific needs. Explore now to enhance your data analysis capabilities and make informed decisions for your ministry.


Getting an Overview of Attenders

To see an overview of a given event including graphs of attenders over time and first-time attenders:

  1. Select "Events" from the top menu bar. 
  2. Click the event for which you'd like to see details.
  3. Click "View Details."
Users can click on a bar graph to see the people that graph consists of. Users can also add multiple events to this view and filter the people that show up by using the "View Multiple Events" and "Filter People" options near the top of this page.
If you'd like to graph more information than what you initially see, scroll to the bottom of the graphs and click to add a new graph.
If you would like to see an overview of attendance that goes beyond 1 year, you can save the graph and table for the first year to a PDF (by selecting Control or Command P and changing the destination to Save as PDF) and changing the date at the top left of the event Overview screen to the date that you would like to continue getting information for. For instance: If you need an overview of attenders for 2 years from July 15th, 2019. First choose the event on July 15th 2019 to get the graph in Overview to show a year's attendance. Then select the July date for 2018 that ended on the first overview graph to get the attendance for 2017-2018.


Generating a List of Who Attended an Event

To see a list of people who attended a given event:

  1. Select the "Events" tab from the top right.
  2. Click the event for which you'd like to see details.
  3. Click "View Details."
  4. On the left, select "Attenders."
Non-Attenders: To view non-attenders, click "Show Not Checked In" in the upper right corner.
Grouping by Tag: If the event check-in is only eligible for certain tags, this page will have a "Group by Tag" option near the top left. If checked, the list of people will be grouped by tag. If printed, each tag will output on it's own page, making a physical copy of who is in what classroom quick and easy to generate.
Additional Filtering: If more specificity is needed, use the Table Report (below).


Attendance Reports

To see attendance in a table format or to print out a table to check people in by paper and pen:

  1. Select the "Events" tab from the top right.
  2. Click the event for which you'd like to see details.
  3. Click "View Details."
  4. On the left select "Reports."
  5. If desired, use the search criteria at the top to fine-tune the table report to isolate the desired information.1
  6. Click "Download as Excel." 
1 The search criteria is capable of pulling in data from multiple events, filtering it by people information, grouping by tag, and more.
Note: Once a table is loaded, you can switch to a list view of the people it contains by clicking the person icon in the upper right. This allows you to email, text, export, etc the people in the results.

Multiple Events

To view information for multiple events at once:

  1. Navigate to the Table Report for one of the events you'd like to view.
  2. Using the search criteria at the top, selecting the other events and date range you'd like to include. 

Filter Report

To filter an event report based on people's information:

  1. Navigate to the Table Report for the event you'd like to view.
  2. Using the search criteria at the top, use the "People" criteria to filter the results by a specific group of people.
1 You can make the people filter visible by clicking the "More" to the right of the search criteria.
To learn more about filtering reports, view Using Attendance Report Filters.

Using Saved Reports

To save a customized report:

  1. Navigate to the Table Report for the event you'd like to view.
  2. Using the search criteria at the top, set the filter to what you would like to save.
  3. In the upper-right corner, select the down arrow to the right of the "Download as Excel" button and click "Save Report".1
  4. Give the report a name, select the date range of the report (if desired)2 and click "Save Report." 
1 You may find this under the "Load Saved Reports" dropdown.
2 The default date range of the report will be the last 28 days unless you specify a different range.
To load a saved report:
  • Navigate to the Table Report for the event you'd like to view.
  • In the upper-right corner, select the down arrow to the right of the "Download as Excel" button and click "Load Saved Reports".1
1 Customized reports that you have saved will be visible by clicking "Show Custom Reports" on the "Load Saved Report" screen. Note that custom reports for multiple series will only be available on those specific series


Saved reports can be viewed across users as long as their role has permissions to "Check in Reports."