Using Attendance Report Filters

Attendance report filters in Breeze allow you to customize your reports to extract the precise data you need. You can filter by criteria such as date range, service type, or location. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to use these filters effectively.

Accessing Attendance Reports

To get started with attendance reports, first navigate to the Reports page. You can learn more about accessing and creating attendance reports in this article: Creating Attendance Reports

Available Filters

Breeze offers a variety of filters to refine your attendance data:

  • Date Range: Select the specific time period for your report.
  • Event: Filter by specific events or services.
  • Attendance: Choose from options like "Present," "Absent," or "Checked In."
  • Tags: Include or exclude individuals with specific tags.
  • People: Filter by individual attendees or groups.

Filter by Date Range


Choose a specific date range to search in your attendance report.  Can be a single date, a month, an entire year, or longer! 

Filter by Event


Your most recent events will appear in the event dropdown.  Click the "More" dropdown to see older event titles. 

You can choose one or more events for your list.  The event that you started with is checked by default and cannot be unchecked. 

If you choose multiple events, they will appear in chronological order in your table export.


Filter by Attendance


Here's where the reporting gets fun and advanced.  You can get very specific with your attendance reports.  With attendance, you'll start by choosing "attended" or "missed".  This will start to narrow your search down by allowing you to search for people who have attended or missed a certain number or a range of events. 

Let's say, for instance, that I wanted to find everyone who has attended more than 2 of the last 5 weeks of Sunday Service (i.e. 3-5 times over the last 5 weeks).

I would start by making my search go 5 events back, choose "Sunday Service" as my event, and then under "attendance" I will choose "Attended > More Than > 2 Events". 

My attendance list will now only report those who attended 3-5 times over the last 5 weeks.

If you are attempting to find a report for your headcount of anonymous attenders, you will find that information at the bottom of the list of the individuals in your system. You can only select "All Eligible" to find the data on anonymous attenders in a specific date range.


I could run the same search with the missed feature. 

I will set my date range for the last 5 events, choose "Sunday Service" and under the "attendance" dropdown I will choose "Missed > More Than > 2 Events".  Now it will be populated with a list of people who have missed more than 2 events over the past 5 weeks.  

This is a great way to see who has been missing from your events so you can prevent anyone from falling through the cracks. 


Let's say you wanted to run a report for people who missed the last 4 weeks, but did not want to include those who have missed more than 5 weeks.

We would choose "Missed > The Last > 4 Weeks > Check the box that says "exclude people who missed more than 5 weeks".  Now we'll be given a list of those who have missed all of the last 4 weeks events, but not include those who have missed more than 4 weeks in a row.  

This will give you a list of those who came recently, but haven't attended lately and will allow you to reach out to them.


Filter by Tags


To filter by Tag, set the event eligibility to "Specific Tags" in event settings. If eligibility is set to everyone, you will not be able to filter by Tags in the reporting. 

The Tags filter will allow you to only show results for the specific Tags of your choosing.  You can also opt to "Group by Tags" which will still show all the results (or the narrowed ones of your choosing) but will sort the results by Tags rather than alphabetically. 

If anonymous attendance data is included it will appear at the bottom of the page in a separate Tag category called "anonymous"


Important Note: If a person is in multiple Tags that are eligible for the event, they will show up in each of the lists when choosing to "Group by Tags". This can skew your results, as there may have only been 10 people who attended the event, but when you group by Tags and add all the results it could total 13 if 3 people are listed in multiple eligible Tags.

Filter by People


The People dropdown will allow you to create filters.  

For instance if your event eligibility is set to everyone, but you really only want to see the results of those who have the status of "Member" or "Attender", you can narrow the results.


You can also use this method to figure out which visitors have been returning and can be updated to the status of "Attender". 

How to Save Reports


If you have a report that you would like to run on a regular basis, there's no need to remember each of the filters you'll need.  You can simply create the report once and then save it. 

To save a report click the dropdown next to "Download as Excel" and choose "Save Report".

After you click save you'll name your report and then choose the date range that you want.  

Options include:

Date Meaning
Specified Dates (Relative) It will take your search (i.e. 30 days) and always go that many days back from the date you're searching.
Specified Dates (Fixed) Will always choose the exact date(s) in your current search
This Week Will choose the current week
This Month Will choose the current month
This Quarter Will choose the entire quarter
This Year Will choose the entire year


How to Load Saved Reports


Breeze has created saved reports for you based on popular searches. To access this reports, and the ones that you've created, click the down arrow next to "Download as Excel" > "Load Saved Reports".1

1 Customized reports that you have saved will be visible by clicking "Show Custom Reports" on the "Load Saved Report" screen. Note that custom reports for multiple series will only be available on those specific series 

Breeze-created reports include: 

  • All Events on This Day
  • Missed the Last 4 Weeks
  • People who Attended in the Last 3 Months
  • People who Attended This Event
  • People who Attended This Event (Grouped by Tag)
  • People who have not attended in the Last 3 Months
  • People who Missed This Event
  • People who Missed This Event (Grouped by Tag)
  • Printable Attendance Sheet for Next 4 Weeks
  • This Series for This Month
  • This Series for this Month Grouped by Tag
  • This Series for This Year
