Adding A Document File to a Person's Profile


Breeze has the ability to allow for files to be saved in an individual's profile. Some common uses for this may include:

  • Baptism certificates
  • Background clearance files
  • Ministry Applications
  • Memorial/Funeral handouts
  • CPR/AED card copies


How to Add Files:

  1. Navigate to the Account Settings (Image_2020-05-07_at_1.31.50_PM.png) on the top right
  2. Select Profile Fields
  3. Drag the File field from the left and drop within the section you desire (Note: You may also create New Sections as well by dragging/dropping the "New Section" field)
  4. Rename the field to the name you desire
  5. Click Save Changes


Additional Information:

Note: Files fields can store up to 8MB per field.

Want more tips and ideas? Consider reading this article: Customizing Profile Fields