Breeze Email Design Editor - Uploaded Images Won't Preview

If you’ve uploaded an image in the Design Email Editor and it doesn’t preview correctly, it may be due to an apostrophe (') or other special characters in the image file name. Apostrophes are special characters that can cause issues with URL encoding. The solution is simple: remove any special characters from the file name and re-upload the image.

Pictured: Broken image


How to Fix It

  1. Locate the image file on your device.
  2. Rename the file, ensuring that any apostrophes or special characters are removed.
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Re-upload the image in the Design Email Editor.


Technical Explanation

In URLs, certain characters like spaces (%20), apostrophes (%27), and others have special meanings and can cause problems if not properly encoded. An apostrophe, for instance, must be URL-encoded as %27 to be correctly processed. If not, it might cause issues when parsing the URL or making requests to the server. To avoid these issues, it’s best to use alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), or underscores (_) in file names. This ensures better compatibility across different systems and prevents problems related to URL handling.

By renaming the file to remove the apostrophe, you prevent potential issues and ensure smoother handling of your images.