- Navigate to a specific person.
- Click on that person's email address to open the Compose Message window.
- Write your email and click send.
Note: By default, the basic email editor will double space when hitting Enter. To single space in the new email editor, select Shift + Enter.
Email a Group
- Pull up the list of people you'd like to email (by running an advanced search, searching by tag, or another method). You can also type a name in the Bcc section, and if that person is in the database and there is a match, it will pull that email address into the line.
- Click on "Tags" under the filter options on the left to expand it. Check the tags you wish to email.
- On the right, select "Email People."
If you’re in People Beta, follow the guided steps to email from a filtered tag view.
If not, you’ll be prompted to enter People Beta first. - Once you've set up your email list, compose your email and click send.
Additional Step for Specific Selections: If you only need to email certain individuals from these tags, select the checkmark next to each person's profile. This narrows down your list to include only those selected.
Important Considerations
- Mobile Device Compatibility: The new guided email experience is not supported on mobile devices. On mobile, you can use the old basic email editor.
- Troubleshooting Tips: If the prompt or guide doesn’t appear, try refreshing the page. If interrupted, refreshing the page should also help you resume the guided steps.
- Ad Blockers: Users with strict ad blockers might not see the guides and prompts. Switching browsers or disabling the ad blocker temporarily can resolve this issue.
Send Emails Using To instead of Bcc
By default, Breeze sends all emails as bcc (blind carbon copy) messages1. This means that recipients will not be able to see who else received the message and cannot "reply to all."
If you'd like to switch to sending messages as "to" messages so that each recipient can see all other recipients (and reply to all if desired):
- Click on the list of recipients at the top of the Compose Message window.
- Click "Bcc " and select "To" from the drop-down list.2
2 Note that "To" messages cannot be used in conjunction with mail merge fields as everyone is receiving the exact same email (not a personalized email).
Emails are one-way. Any replies will be sent back to your email client. For example: If your Breeze users has your Gmail email listed when you send out your emails in Breeze, replies will be sent back to your Gmail inbox.
Using Mail Merge in Emails
Mail merge options allow you to further personalize emails going out to an individual or a group!
The following are mail merge options available for Breeze emails:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Home Address
- Mobile Phone
- Home Phone
- Work Phone
- Request Volunteer Blackout Dates Link
When these options are inserted into the email, Breeze will pull the respective information from the individual's profile, allowing you to craft one email to an entire group while still including the necessary information for each individual.
In Legacy, to use mail merge options:
- Select the three dots at the top toolbar of the composition window to reveal the second line of formatting.
- Select Mail Merge
- Choose the appropriate mail merge option from the dropdown labeled "Mail Merge" that you would like to use:
In the People Beta, to use mail merge options:
- The Basic email option will show the mail merge dropdown automatically.
To use mail merge in the design email option:
- In the text editor, select the Mail Merge dropdown.
- Choose the appropriate mail merge option from the dropdown that you would like to use.
Adding an Attachment to Emails
If you'd like to add an attachment to an email, click the "add attachment" button directly under the compose field. That will open your computer files and allow you to attach a document, pdf, image, etc.
We have a 20MB limit on the total attachment size for an email. If an email exceeds this limit, you will be notified of that and given directions to have your emails delivered successfully!
Additional Toolbar Options
Note: By default, the basic email editor will double space when hitting Enter. To single space in the new email editor, select Shift + Enter.
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Insert/edit Link
- Text Color
- Background Color
- Font Sizes
- Templates
- Upload an Image
- Full Screen
- Align Left, Center, and Right
- Bullet List
- Numbered List
- Set as Email Signature
- View Source
- Hyperlink: used to create a link to something that you would like your recipients to connect to. Make sure to copy the URL of the page you would like your recipients to connect to and paste the URL into the URL box that comes up when you add the hyperlink.
Email Signature
Note: At this time, adding an email signature is only available in the legacy editor.
To create an email signature that will automatically show up on the bottom of your emails when composing a new message in Breeze:
- Open the email compose window by clicking to email an individual or group.
- Make the content of your email your signature.
- In the toolbar, click the "..." icon and then "More" and select "Set as Email Signature."
Once complete, when composing emails in the future, you'll see your signature automatically included in the email composure box.
Schedule an Email to Go Out at a Later Time/Date
By default, emails will send to our queue right away to the list of recipients (It may take a few minutes to get through the queue). If desired, you can also schedule an email to be sent at some point in the future. To do so:
- Compose your message to an individual or a group as you normally would.
- Instead of clicking "Send," click the arrow just to the right of the "Send" button and select one of the available options1 to send the message in the future.
To Edit or Delete Scheduled Emails
- In the top right of the screen, click "Account Settings"(
- Click "History" in the dropdown menu
- On the left-hand side, choose the option of your User History that you would like to see (Email).
- Select the Email you would like to view/edit/delete and click on the subject to bring up the email
- Click the arrow next to Change Time.
- As you preview the messages, you can choose the option you would like:
- Change Time
- Send Now
- Edit Content
- Unschedule & Remove
Forwarding or Re-Sending an Email
You can see the emails that you've sent in your history by going to
- Click the user account icon (
)> History > Email.
If you need to forward an email or re-send it to a group, you can copy and paste the text into your history or forward it if you were one of the recipients from your email inbox.
How to Change What Email Address Emails are Sent From
Sometimes, you might prefer not to use your personal email address for outgoing emails. In Breeze, you have the ability to adjust the "send from" email address in two specific locations. It's important to note that when you modify this address, it also changes the email you use to log into Breeze.
To change your "send from" email address from the email compose window, follow these instructions:
- From the Compose Message window, click "Change" at the bottom left-hand corner.
- Change the form by editing the Email Address.
- Click Update.
After sending the email, you may want to update your User Account to the correct information for when you log in next time.
To change your "send from" email address from your user account, follow these instructions:
Important: If your Breeze account is connected to Tithely, you cannot change the "send from" email address in Breeze. The email address must be updated in Tithely.
Navigate to the "Account Settings"(
) on the top right.
- Select Users Settings.
- Update the Email Address with what you would like to use to send emails from.
- Click Update.
Add a Person to an Email
You can add a person (who exists already in the Breeze database, as you cannot send emails to people outside of those in the Breeze Database) from the Compose Email window to an Email.
- Pull up the list of people you'd like to email (by running an advanced search, searching by tag, or another method). You can also type a name in the Bcc section, and if that person is in the database and there is a match, it will pull that email address into the line.
- On the right using the action panel, select "Email People."
- Click on the box to the right of "BCC" and type in the name of the person you would like to add to the email.
- Compose your email and click send.
Remove a Person from an Email
Ever find yourself needing to send an email to tag a group of people and then realize a few people on the list don't need to receive this email?
- Pull up the list of people you'd like to email (by running an advanced search, searching by tag, or another method). You can also type a name in the Bcc section, and if that person is in the database and there is a match, it will pull that email address into the line.
- On the right using the action panel, select "Email People."
- In the Compose Email window, click on the box to the right of the "BCC" and click the "X" beside the name and email address of the people you would like to remove.
- Compose your email and click send.
Why you shouldn't copy and paste into emails
The Email and Statement Compose windows don't handle copying/pasting from other email platforms or Word, as the underlying library doesn't support the formatting (i.e., TinyMCE). To keep the source formatting, one option you may want to try is to use COMMAND+SHIFT+V (on Mac) or CTRL+SHIFT+V (on Windows) to paste, as this causes the pasted content to exclude any formatting (effectively "pasting as text").
Example: Pasting with a particular font into a compose window in Breeze will keep the source formatting rather than the destination formatting. Following the above steps will keep that from happening.
Another option is to copy the email content and paste it into the free Notepad app. Then immediately copy and paste it from Notepad into Breeze. Notepad cleans all the formatting away, including the hidden double spacing.