Sharing a Form

How to share a form outside of Breeze

Breeze forms are intended to be shared outside of Breeze. With this in mind, the "Forms" section of Breeze is meant for those of an Administrator/Staff/Volunteer-level to create, edit, share, and view form entries. This space is not intended to find and fill out the forms. 
To share a form :

  1. Navigate to "Forms."
  2. Click "Share Form" under the form you'd like to share.
  3. Use one of the available options listed below to share the form:
    • Form Address - A link to the form that you can direct people to, email to others, and post to Facebook and other social media sites.
    • Link - Have your web developer include a link to the form from your website.
    • Embed - Embed the form directly on your website.
    • QR Code - You can also share your forms using a QR code. 

      1. Use a QR code generator website:

Forms cannot be embedded directly into an email. Your recipients will not be able to fill out and submit them from an email, it must be embedded into a website.

How to share a form with members (users) inside of Breeze

Some churches would rather share a form with users in Breeze. It makes sense, your users have access to their own profiles in Breeze, and you would like them to be able to see available forms and fill them out in Breeze. This can be done! 

We will use Customized Profile Fields to share forms in Breeze: 


First, we will,

  1. Navigate to "Forms."
  2. Click "Share Form" under the form you'd like to share.
  3. Using the Form Address - we will copy this option.

Then we will,

  1. Navigate to Account Settings (Image_2020-05-07_at_1.31.50_PM.png), and select Profile Fields.
  2. Drag a "New Section" from the left and drop it where you desire. We will label these Forms.
  3. Now, we will drag a Section Description.
  4. For the Section Description, you will type in the name of the form, and then paste the shareable form link, then click save.  For better formatting, make sure there are a colon and space between the name of the form and the URL link.



Additional Information

Customize the Form Address

When using the "Form Address" option, you can edit what comes behind  for easy sharing by editing the form settings. 

  1. Navigate to "Forms."
  2. Click to either create a new form or edit an existing form.
  3. Click the "Go to Settings" link in the bottom left.
  4. Click "Show more options"
  5. Scroll to Web Address and add a label that is easy to share and reflects your form. (Ex. Kids Camp)
  6. Make sure to "Save Form." 

Customize the Link

When using the "Link" option, you can edit the wording to fit what you would like the verbiage to be.

From the example above, the "Go to" wording will come before the link, and then the "Kids Camp" is what the recipient would click on.

You can change that verbiage to anything that makes sense based on how you're trying to share. For instance, you could completely eliminate the "Go to" wording and change the "Kids Camp" to  "Sign Up Now!".  The entire "Sign Up Now!" text will be clickable on your form.

Customizing the Embed Code

The embed code is the most customizable of the three sharing options. 

You can edit the form width, the border color, the background color, and the button color to match whatever page you're embedding your form onto.

This option allows you to help your forms blend in better with your church website.

If you choose to embed your form on a website, a few items, such as the Title and Description, will not be brought into the embed - this allows for a better view when embedding the form on a website. 

Using an iframe embed code to bring over the header image into the embed is possible. This will also bring over the form title. You'd use something similar to this: <iframe src="" style="width: 960px; height: 1250px; border: 1px solid: #fff;" ></iframe> The size and background are customizable.

Note: Embedding Forms to WordPress Websites that are both created and hosted by WordPress seem to reject JavaScript encoding. This is because is forcing a format that is not compatible with JavaScript's code. This is outside the scope of Breeze. In an effort to ensure that you receive the best support possible, we recommend contacting WordPress with your support need. They will be well equipped to assist you. The solution for WordPress hosted sites can be found here: However, WordPress sites that are hosted by external companies seem to work properly.