Registering Multiple People for One Event

If your church has a summer kids camp then you've probably run into a situation where you've wanted to create registration forms for multiple people.

Important Note: This is the best practice to register multiple registrants if you do not need to add them into your database.  When syncing a form result to a profile, Breeze will only allow for one profile to be created from the results.  When using this method we recommend using the parent as the synced/created contact which will allow you to contact the parent through email/text.  

If you need to have the ability to create multiple profiles with forms, you will have to register people individually -- one person per form. 

Here's the Breeze Best Practice Guide for registering multiple people at once with forms. 

1. Create a new registration Form

For directions on how to create a form see Creating a Form

2. Change the fields that are initially listed in the registration form to input parent(s) information.


Click on the fields to rename them.  If you'd like to collect both parent's information, change to "parent 1 name", etc. and then create new text fields for the second parent's information. 


You will probably want to make the second parent's information optional by unchecking the "required" option for the single parents. 


3. Create "Section Titles" for each section 

This will help create dividers for the information being collected to prevent confusion.


4. Decide the information that you want to collect on each registrant

Using the left side you can drag and drop different fields for your registrants to collect information.

You can use the date field to collect a birthday, the dropdown field to select a grade, the text field to include allergies, etc. 


5. Repeat these fields for each additional registrant you want to allow on one form

Important note: Make sure to mark all additional person's information as "optional" or else the form will not be able to be submitted without all fields filled out.


6. Collect Payment

Change your payment field to include a price point for each number of possible registrants.  You can use the section description to explain how to choose the price. 


Here is an example of what your form will look like when you've finished:

