While Breeze does not currently have a way to embed videos (e.g. from YouTube or Vimeo) into a Breeze email using the source code, we do have an option that gets you close to this!
Our end result will be a screenshot of the video with a hyperlink to the video source. Here's how to do this:
- Take a screenshot of the video page by using Windows Snip & Sketch, Screenshot Capture for Mac, or any other screenshot tools (see the screenshot example below):
- Copy the hyperlink for the video (see the example below). The embed code is unnecessary (and won't work properly) in this scenario:
- Go back to Breeze and choose your audience to email.
- In the Compose Email screen, click on the 3 dots and then the "Upload" icon:
- Choose the video screenshot from Step 1 and upload to the email.
- Click once on the video image, and then click the "Insert/edit link" button.
- Paste the link of the video URL that was copied in Step 2 and select "New Window" in the "Target" field:
- Click "Ok" and then "Send"!
- When the email is opened, simply clicking on the image will open a new window where the video can be played!