Cancel Account / Restore Account

Here at Breeze, our first priority is the success of our churches! We realize that meeting the increasing needs of churches and organizations is a big challenge, and consequently, there will be moments when Breeze doesn't fully meet all of those needs. 

 To Cancel an Account

  1. Navigate to the "Account Settings" (Image_2020-05-07_at_1.31.50_PM.png) on the top right
  2. Select "Manage Account"
  3. Choose "More" on the left side
  4. Select "Cancel Account" on the left
  5. Be sure to export your data before choosing to cancel your Breeze account
  6. Click "Cancel Church's Entire Breeze Account"


Things to Know

  • Only the account's Account Owner can shut down the account.

  • If you're seeing an error for "Your account can't be cancelled. Please try again later.", it's because you need to be the Account Owner to cancel the account. 
  • If the Account Owner doesn't have permission to access "Account Settings", the same dialogue box will indicate that you need to adjust the Account Owner to an alternate role before they perform this action (and will specify which role to change them to that does have permission). This would show up as a note in red appended to the image above.
  • If a Account Owner can't be found (very rare that this would happen) a note appears asking you to Contact our Support Team to take care of it and to mention that message to our support team. This replaces the message in the window above.
  • You'll still receive any pending transfers from Online Giving to your bank account after you cancel your account.

Exporting Your Data

You'll want to export your data before you cancel your account, because once you cancel, you will no longer be able to access your account. 

To learn how to export your data, visit our Exporting Your Data help article. 

Will The Data be Deleted?

Yes! Immediately upon cancellation your data will be queued for permanent deletion from all Breeze systems. Please ensure you export any desired data from your Breeze account prior to cancellation.

Internal Note: If a church canceled with us less than six months ago, their data may still be intact. If it was longer than six months all of their data will have been permanently deleted. 

How can I access data from a cancelled account?

It's possible if it has been less than 6 months since you canceled, we will be able to restore your old account and data for you. Send an email to to find out more information! 

Unfortunately, after six months from cancellation, your church's data will have gone through our server's process for permanent deletion and we are not able to bring your data back at this point. We can however restore your old subdomain if you would like, making it that you access Breeze the same way you formerly did. If you'd like to sign up for Breeze again, but are looking to use your old subdomain, send an email to for next steps!