Attaching a Profile to a User

If you've created users and need to attach a profile follow these steps

Ensure "My Profile" is checked

  1. Go to Account Settings (mceclip3.png) > Users & Roles > Roles
  2. Edit the role that your user has
  3. Make sure at least one section in the "My Profile" dropdown is checked
  4. Click "Update Role"


Attach the user to the profile

  1. Go to Account Settings (mceclip3.png)> Users & Roles > Users
  2. Click "Add User" or edit an existing user
  3. Ensure that their role you're using has "My Profile" checked in the roles section
  4. In the "My Profile" text box, begin typing the user's name.   Attach their profile from the choices that appear
  5. Update/Create User
