Overview: Automations make things Breezier, allowing you to accomplish "set it and forget it" tasks. This will allow you to automate those tasks that just take up your time, letting you focus on what really matters. Watch the video below for a brief overview of Automations.
To Access Automations go to Account Settings () > Automations.
About Automations
From automated tag assignments that allow you to set a filter and keep groups up-to-date, to sending birthday emails to members on their special day, to implementing follow-up progressions that will increase staff efficiency and keep you organized, we’ve got you covered.
You'll simply set up tasks that will automatically go into affect for you.
Types of Automations
Settings within Automations
The blue toggle on the left will allow you to switch on or off a task which will temporarily disable it until it is turned back to green.
Click the gear icon will take you back to the settings of that specific task so that you can edit the contents or look at the filter you chose
Click the 'x' icon on the far right to permanently delete a task