Getting Started With Users & Roles

This guide will help you understand the thought behind Users & Roles. There are many ways to accomplish inviting users, but this is one we've seen work well. 

It's helpful to think of this in stages

Stage One (Now): Invite a secondary Admin, or two
Stage Two (After Your Data Is Moved Into Breeze)Invite your Staff Users
Stage Three (As the Needs Arise): Invite your Volunteer Users
Stage Four (Once Your 100% Comfortable): Invite your Individual Members (if desired)

Important Note: Unique Email Addresses

All users in Breeze must have a unique email address. This means you cannot assign the same email address to multiple users.

Stage One: Invite Secondary Admin(s) 

  • Determine another person(s) that will help you setup and organize your database.
  • Assign them to the Admin (Full Access) role.
    • To do this: Go to Account Settings (mceclip3.png) > Users & Roles > Users > Add New User


Stage Two: Invite Staff Users

First, by default you have five Roles provided in your account - three of these are potential options for your Staff Users. Here are those roles and permissions they grant. (If changes are made by an admin user, these definitions will no longer be accurate).

  • Admin (Full Access):
    Users will have access to everything in your account.
  • Standard (Default Permissions):
    People: View/Edit all profile fields and access communication tools.
    Tags: View/Edit/Create tags (groups) and the people assigned to them.
    Events: View/Edit/Create events including volunteer management and check-in.
    Follow Ups: View/Assign.  
    Forms: View/Edit/Create/Delete Forms.
    History: View pages they visited and messages they've sent. 
  • Limited (Can Only View People): 
    People: View all profile fields and notes, Email and Export that information

Now, you can assign Staff Users to one of these roles. The Standard Role is commonly used as it gives access to most fields and functions without access to contributions. 

  • To do this: Go to Account Settings (mceclip3.png) > Users & Roles > Users > Add New User


Woohoo :) You've got your team in place and you're ready to go! 


Options, These roles will get you started but many want more granular control of permission levels. As you create additional permission roles, here are some guidelines. 

  • Aim to have very few roles, if any, that are assigned to only one user.
  • Administrative upkeep on these very granular permissions can become overwhelming fast.

Instead, think of roles on a broader scale.

  • Create roles with permissions that will cover groups or departments as a whole.

Here's an example of department-level permission Roles: Financial, Secretarial and Standard +


To start, keep the customized role permissions generic. Here's why:

  • As you customize Profile Fields, Tags, Calendars and Forms, you'll likely want to update access to or restrict access from one or more of these features. 
  • Starting with Access All in these areas gives you the flexibility of getting everyone onboard faster. As you customize these features, update permission settings as desired.

Here's an example showing Access All in the areas mentioned: 

mceclip4.png mceclip5.png

mceclip6.png   mceclip7.png

Stage Three: Invite Volunteer Users

As you'll likely want to give more granular permissions to your Volunteer Users, waiting until after you've customized Profile Fields, Tags (groups), Events and Forms will minimize the need for updating permission settings later. 

When ready, the directions for creating Roles and Users are the same as Stage Two: Invite Staff Users. 

One default Role that is often assigned to Volunteer Users is: 

  • Check In (Can Only Check People In): 
    Events: Check-In Screens Only (all events) add new people at check-in and update pictures.

Stage Four: Invite Individual Members

I would wait until you, your staff, and volunteers are all confident in Breeze before venturing to Member Access, allowing individuals limited access to their profiles and that of their family members. 

When ready, this detailed overview will be helpful, Allowing Members to Have an Account in Breeze

One default Role that is often assigned to Members is: 

  • Member (What Members Have Access To): 
    View/Edit their personal profile information as well as their family members.
    View personal and family contributions and pledge information. 
    Displays Online Giving button if active within your account.