Overview: The Online Giving section of Breeze allows you to set up giving options, manage your online donations, and report on payments received.
Getting Started
Provide Bank Account Information
The next step in getting your online giving page setup is to provide us with the bank account information for which you'd like to receive transfers. To do this, you can follow these steps:
- Click "Provide Bank Account Information" on the red banner
- Enter your Routing Number and Account Number
- Click "Add Account"
Verify Your Identity
After adding your bank account, the next thing you'll need to do is submit a verification of your identity. This information is entered into and stored securely by our payment processor, Stripe. To provide this information follow these steps:
- Click "Process to Provide Information" via the pop-up.
- Follow the instructions to answer a few questions about your church, and provide information on an account representative.
After that, you'll be all set to begin using Online Giving with Breeze!
Customizing Your Giving Options
Web Giving
Customize your giving page:
- Click "Settings" in the Web Giving box to personalize the look and functionality of your online giving page.
Customize your emailed receipt:
- Go to Online Giving and click "Settings" in the Web Giving box.
- Click on the Notifications tab.
- Edit your message in the email editor and click "Update".
The setting options include:
Setting | Description |
Credit/Debit/ACH (Payment Types) | You can select if you'll accept Credit Cards (debit cards included), ACH (eCheck) bank transfers or both.2 |
Funds (Can donate to) | You can select which funds show up on the online giving page. A single fund can be selected or multiple funds can be selected. If you want to add a new fund to the list, add the fund into Breeze first and it will then show up on the list to choose from. |
Default Fund | If giving to multiple funds, set which fund shows up as initially selected (this option only appears if giving to multiple funds). |
Comments | If enabled, donors can leave a comment with their donation. |
Processing Fees | If enabled, donors can choose to cover processing fees for the church in association with their donation. |
Notifications | If enabled, the person selected will receive a notification when someone gives. |
Send Notification To | The email address that will receive the notification (if enabled). The list is populated from your list of users. |
Email Receipts From | The email address receipts will be sent from. The list is populated from your list of users. |
Email Receipt | The email receipt the donor receives. Use the "Mail Merge" option in the toolbar to include donation-specific information (such as donor's name, donation amount, etc). |
Confirmation Page | The content the donor sees on their page after they complete their donation. |
Page Content |
Any information you'd like displayed on the top of your online giving page. |
Colors | The color of your donation page. |
Text Giving
Activate Text Giving
Click "Activate" and choose the number to receive text donations.
Customize Text Giving Settings
Click "Settings" in the Text Giving box to create custom commands for specific funds. For example, the keyword "building" could trigger donations to a building fund when someone texts "$50 building". (Note: Use only one keyword per fund; capitalization doesn't matter.)
Set up Text Giving Keywords
- Go to "Giving" > "Online Giving".
- Click "Settings" in the Text Giving box.
- Click "Add Option To Give to a Specific Fund" to set up additional funds for text giving.
- Make your changes and click "Save."
Reporting on Online Giving
By Payments
The Payments tab allows you to generate reports on payments that have been given via Web Giving or Text Giving. By default, the report pulls in the Most Recent gifts received, but you can also report by Transfer or time period (Week, Month, Quarter, Year).
Each of the Payment report types has a Total Overview section that breaks out the Gross, Fees, and Net Totals, and a Funds Overview section that provides this information at the fund level. This makes reconciliation a breeze!
By Transfer
The Transfers tab allows you to report on transfers to your bank account. By default the report pulls in the Most Recent transfers, but you can also report by transfer over a period of time (Week, Month, Quarter, Year).
In this report a user can see the dates transfers were initiated, the status of your individual transfers, as well as the Gross, Fees, and Net totals for each of those transfers. Each Transfers report type has a Total Overview section that breaks out the Gross, Fees, and Net Totals that were successfully transferred to your bank account on file.
Managing Recurring Donors
The Recurring tab allows you to see a list of all of your recurring donors, search for them by name, view set frequencies and upcoming charges, and modify settings when needed.
To modify a recurring donation:
- Find the donation you'd like to modify and click the amount.
- Click "Change" next to the section you'd like to modify and make your desired changes.
Note: To view the time that an online gift was given, you can either select on the individual gift in this report, or you can select "Download as Excel" to show a group of gifts with their time and date given.
Managing Payment Associations
The Associations tab allows you to manage the payment associations set for your donors.
When someone gives to your organization through your online giving page, a third party integration, or a form payment, Breeze will attempt to match up that payment with an individual in your database. If unable to find a match, Breeze will place the transaction in a list of Unassociated payments for you to manually assign. Until you associate the transaction with a profile, it will show in the report section of Breeze as "Anonymous".
When you have payments that need to be manually associated, there will be a red indicator on the Associations tab.
How Donor-Covered Fees (Beta) Appear in an Online Giving Report
Donations where the donor has opted to cover the fees will appear in Online Giving Reporting accompanied by a heart icon, allowing you to easily differentiate between fees the church is responsible for, and fees with which donors have chosen to help.