Check-in Only Role

Breeze allows you to create a "Check-In Only" account, based on specific permissions given in Users and Roles. The purpose of this kind of role would be for those that only need to check people into an event. 

Who should I give a "Check-in Only" Role to?

Permissions in Roles

Here is a breakdown of the permissions for a "Check-in Only" account:

Role Explanation
Check in Only Account Users with this permission only have access to take attendance. (This is most useful for kiosk check-in stations that should not be able to access any other data)
Add New People Allows users to add new people via the check-in page.
Add Existing People (not in the list) Allows users to add existing people into the check-in list
Update Thumbnails Allow users to update people's pictures
Only Access Certain Calendars Limit the role to only seeing specific calendars


What can I see as a "Check-in Only" user?

With a "Check-in Only" role, you will not be able to log in to any other feature/area of Breeze. You will only be able to view the Check-in screen.

When you first log on, you will be prompted to choose the event you are trying to check people in for. In this case, our Wednesday night Jr. High Youth Group is the event we are checking in for. If you click on the date, you will be able to choose the date from a calendar.




For an explanation of these settings, see our article, Using the Settings in Check In.

To view the check-in screen in different modes like "Search" or "Kiosk", see our article Selecting Check In Modes

Logout of a Check in Only Account

If you need to log out of Breeze while using a "Check In Only" User Account:

  1. Click on the Calendar Icon in the top left corner
  2. Select Log Out in the bottom left corner of the calendar

Note: If you see the image below and are still having trouble logging out, click on the date to see the full calendar, select a date with an event listed and then select an event. Repeat steps 1-2 to log out.


Additional Information

If you have rolled Breeze out as an Online Directory you might find you have some users who you would like to add this permission to check in to their role permissions. Breeze's best practice is to either create two unique users with their own username and password for the member to be able to toggle between. Or, duplicate the Member Role and Simply Edit this Role to include check-in only settings, you would then need to Assign this new role to the User's.