VPN Online Giving


  • When using a VPN, a user may experience unexpected verbiage, alerts, and additional reCAPTCHA verifications in order to give using Breeze Online Giving. 


  • VPN's are becoming more common. Opera & Firefox both offer VPN browsing "out of the box". The problem is that fraudsters will always use a VPN to hide their activity, which is why most reCAPTCHA settings will require additional verification. 


  • The easiest resolution is to turn off a VPN when giving. This will allow the reCAPTCHA to correctly identify a valid donor.
  • If a user chooses not to disable their VPN, they will most likely need to go through additional verification in order to successfully give via Online Giving. 

Additional Information:

  • In some cases, depending on the VPN, the Online Giving reCAPTCHA may refuse to verify. If this is the case, disabling the VPN is the only option to use Breeze Online Giving.